MegaMenger is finished!
Our international collaborative mathematical fractal building project is now complete! Our goal was to build a Level 4 Menger Sponge, and this has been achieved. Please see below for information about our sponge, with locations, photos, and how you can build your own Menger Sponge.
Finished Level 3 sponges (hover to see location info):
Current Level 4 progress: 100%
Our Level 4 Menger Sponge is made from 17 Level 3 sponges (pictured above), 5 partially completed Level 3s, 23 Level 2 sponges and assorted other Level 1 sponges in locations around the world.
More Photos
Photos and updates from all the main Level 3 builds, as well as many from Level 2 and 1 builds, can be found below. If you'd like to submit more photos to our collection, please email
![]() MegaMenger Flickr page | ![]() MegaMenger Twitter feed | ![]() MegaMenger cube widget, by Andrew Taylor |
MegaMenger Build Locations
Bath, UK
Venue: University of Bath, Claverton Down, Bath, BA2 7AY
Build dates: 20-24 October
For details, contact Ben Sparks.
Edinburgh UK
Venue: Level 3, JCMB, King's Buildings, University of Edinburgh.
Build dates: 20-24 October.
For details, contact Julia Collins.
Waterloo, ON Canada
Venue: Perimeter Institute, Caroline St
Build dates: 24 October.
For details, contact Marie Strickland.
View a time lapse of the build here.
Manchester, UK
Venue: Museum of Science and Industry, Liverpool Road.
Build dates: 25th and 26th October
For details, contact Katie Steckles.
Printing provided by Hobs Studio; part of the Manchester Science Festival (supported by Siemens)
Almería, Spain
Venue: University of Almería, Almería
Build dates: 21-25 October.
For details, contact José Luis Rodríguez Blancas.
Kindly supported by the University of Almeria.
Auckland, New Zealand
Venue: Auckland Art Gallery
Build dates: 25-26 October
For details, contact Nicolette Rattenbury.
Cambridge, UK
Venue: Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Wilberforce Road
Build dates: 25th October. For more information, see the event page here.
For details, contact Kristin Coldwell.
Sponge cards donated by Victoire Press, Cambridge.
Colorado Springs, CO USA
Venue: Air Academy High School, Carlton Drive
Build dates: Public build day on Oct 25th.
For details, contact Colin Adams.
Davidson, NC USA
Venue: Davidson College, N Main St
Build dates: 20th - 26th October.
For details, contact Donna Molinek.
Decatur, GA USA
Venue: Agnes Scott College, Decatur.
Build dates: October 20-26
For details, contact Rachel Bayless.
Grand Rapids, MI USA
Venue: Calvin College, Grand Rapids
Build dates: 17-25 October.
For details, contact Randall Pruim.
London, UK
Venue: Queen Mary University of London, Maths Department foyer
Build dates: Until 15th November.
For details, contact Giulia Campolo.
New York, NY USA
Venue: National Museum of Mathematics, E 26th St
Build dates: 25th October.
For details, contact Laura Taalman.
Salem, OR USA
Venue: Ford Hall (2nd Floor), Willamette University
Build dates: 20-26 October.
For details, contact Josh Laison.
Suzhou, China
Venue: Dulwich International High School, Renmin Road
Build dates: 23rd-26th October.
For details, contact Martin Crozier.
Tampere, Finland
Venue: Tampereen lyseon lukio, F.E.Sillanpään katu 7, 33230
Build dates: 23-24 October.
For details, contact Kaarina Ojasti.
Roanoke, VA USA
Venue: Wyndham Robertson Library, Hollins University
Build dates: Saturdays in October.
For details, contact Caren Diefenderfer.
Birmingham, AL USA
Venue: Odenville Middle School, Odenville.
Build dates: Afternoons in October (3-5pm); public build on October 25.
For details, contact Jim Wilder.
Leeds, UK
Venue: University of Leeds Conference Auditorium (first floor bar)
Build dates: 20th-24th October.
For details, contact Rob Sturman.
Workington, Cumbria UK
Venue: Lakes College, West Cumbria.
Build dates: 20th-26th October, with the completed sponge open for viewing until 2nd November.
For details, contact James Kuechel.
Boston, MA USA
Venue: Lobby 10, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139
Build dates: October 26, 8am-10pm. Finished section of Menger Sponge now on display.
For details, contact YQ Lu.
A video about the build has been made by MIT campus news.
San Francisco, CA USA
Venue: The Paper Tree, Buchanan Mall
Build dates: 20-26 October.
For details, contact Vicky and Linda.
Asheville, NC USA
Venue: Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College
Cullowhee, NC USA
Venue: Western Carolina University
Christchurch, Dorset, UK
Venue: Highcliffe School
Hampstead, London
Venue: University College School
Preston, UK
Venue: Maudland Building Foyer, UCLAN
Build dates: Wednesday 22nd October, with a talk about the mathematics of fractals at 4pm.
For details, contact Charlotte Kestner.
Lexington City, VA USA
Venue: Washington & Lee University
Allendale, MI USA
Venue: Grand Valley State University
Christchurch, Dorset, UK
Venue: Twynham School
Frostburg, MD USA
Venue: Frostburg State University
Granville, OH USA
Venue: Denison University
Morehead, KY USA
Venue: Morehead State University Dept of Math, CS, & Physics
Salt Lake City, UT USA
Venue: University of Utah, T. Benny Rushing Mathematics Center and Student Union Lobby
Build dates: Oct 22-24, with full details on the AWM chapter website.
For details, contact Evelyn Lamb.
Tasmania, Australia
Winton-Salem, NC USA
Venue: Career Center High School
Wooster, OH USA
Venue: The College of Wooster
Bourbonnais, IL, USA
Olivet Nazarene University
Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
Mount Nelson Primary School
Denison, OH, USA
Denison University
Rehovot, Israel
Venue: Davidson Institute, Weizmann Institute of Science.
Five level 1 sponges built as part of the Martin Gardner Celebration of Mind event on 21st October.
Wimborne Minster
Queen Elizabeth's School - 4 Level 1s built and working towards a Level 2
Ashburn, VA USA
Venue: Eagle Ridge Middle School - three Level 1 sponges
Columbia, SC USA
Built by South Carolina High Energy Mathematics Teacher Circle (SCHEMaTC) - 2 level-1 sponges built
Melbourne, Australia
Moomba Park Primary School
Built by Mim & Doug Sanders and family
Austin TX USA
Venue: St. Edward's University
Greater Philadelphia Paper Pholders
Venue: Cynwyd (R6) Train Station
Harrisburg PA USA
Venue: Dauphin County Technical School
Lisbon, Portugal
Venue: MathsJam, Lisbon (21st October)
Lyndhurst, NJ USA
Built by Mitch Okun
Queensland, Australia
Venue: Somerset College - built by Andrew Wrigley
Winnipeg, Canada
Venue: MathsJam, Winnipeg (21st October)
East Haddam, CT
Venue: Franklin Academy - added to NYC build
Kennesaw, GA USA
Venue: Kennesaw Mountain Undergrad Maths Conference, Kennesaw State University
October 11.
For details, contact Yuliya Babenko.
Sponges from this build were combined with the Decatur build to make one Level 3 sponge.
Cairo, Egypt
Venue: Hall D1 in the German University in Cairo - multiple Level 2 builds
Build dates: 18-21 October
For details, contact Heba Mugahid.
Lexington, VA USA
Venue: Virginia Military Institute, Mallory Hall
20-26 October.
For details, contact Meagan Herald.
Taipei, Taiwan
Venue: Taipei European School
Beccles, Suffolk
Venue: Sir John Leman High School
Ashford, Kent UK
Venue: Highworth Grammar School for Girls
Tucson, AZ USA
Venue: Sabino High School
Fort William UK
Venue: Lochaber High School
Edinburgh UK
Venue: George Watson's College
Kingston Upon Thames, UK
Venue: Surbiton High School
Easton, PA USA
Venue: Lafayette College
Half-sponge (cross-section) built by Ethan Berkove, Andrew Eickemeyer and a team of family and friends at the college between 2013 and 2015.
Columbia, SC USA
Venue: University of South Carolina
For more information, contact Francisco Blanco-Silva, and see videos and updates about the project here.
Trento, Italy
Built by Serena Cicaló
Skopje, Macedonia
Built by Vladimir and his friends
São Paulo, Brazil
University of São Paulo - built by Carla Teodoro
Concord, Massachussets
Level 0 sponge, built by Max, Luke and Tim
Poznań, Poland
Venue: Szkoła Podstawowa nr 77
Nijmegen, Netherlands
Mexico City, Mexico
Built in December 2016 by batchelor students at Universidad del Valle de México
Warsaw, IN, USA
Fairfield, CT USA
The Unquowa School - two level 2 sponges built and working on a level 3!
Mielec, Poland
Venue: Middle School nr 4; built by Mrs Wolska's maths class
Greater Manchester, UK
Venue: Cheadle Hulme High School
Build currently in progress.
Linz, Austria
Venue: Johannes Kepler University, Institut of Applied Geometry
Built during Spring 2014. Click here for more details.
Munich, Germany
Built by Gesa Dünnweber
Minecraft Universe
Level 5 sponge built in Minecraft by Seth Nevel (based in OK, USA)
Norwich, CT USA
Build in progress by St Bernard School Math Honor Society
Mexico City, Mexico
Built by batchelor students at College Calacoaya Tierra Nueva for Pi Day 2018
Cumbria, UK
Built by Bobby Ware.
Marseille, France
Built by students at Cours Frédéric-Ozanam, Marseille
Strasbourg, France
Built by students at ADEM, UFR de Mathématiques et Informatique
Lanzarote, Canary Islands
Built by students at IES Las Maretas
For more information, contact Neli Hernández Martín (head of mathematics).
Isla Grande de Chiloé, Chilé
Venue: Luis Galvarino Riveros de Castro High School. Built as part of the Festival de Matemáticas, 2018
Bons-en-Chablais, France
Built by students at Collèege François Mugnier, Bons-en-Chablais, for a science week activity